Marin Liza

Pharmaceutical Industry

Our Vision

A reliable pharma company that improves people health and quality of life

Perusahaan farmasi terpercaya yang peduli pada kesehatan dan kualitas hidup masyarakat

Our Mission

Providing affordable pharma and health care products

Menyediakan produk farmasi dan health care yang terjangkau.

Continuously Develop More Effective and Efficient Process Of Producing Products

Mengembangkan proses produksi yang lebih efektif dan efisien secara berkelanjutan.

Providing Society With Various Complex Generic Products Specifically for Oncology and Degenerative Deceases

Menyediakan berbagai produk generik kompleks, khususnya untuk terapi onkologi dan penyakit degenerative.

Become a Strategic Partner for Government and Pharmaceutical Companies

Menjadi partner strategis bagi pemerintah dan perusahaan farmasi lainnya.

Continously Improving Customer Satisfaction

Secara berkelanjutan meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan.

cGMP requirements have become the minimum standard production unit.

Qualified production technologies with high production capacity, offering effective and efficient production processes and costs.